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The name of this organization shall be the National TUPSSO FRANCHISE OWNERS ASSOCIATION.


The purpose of this organization shall be to provide shared leadership, by members proactively working independently and in conjunction with their business partners, TUPSSI/UPS, to maximize each member's profitability while enhancing the future value of their franchises.


Section 1. Members
An active member of this association shall be a The UPS Store Franchisee who has formally applied for membership, and is current in payment status of dues as determined by the National TUPSSO FOA. An active member shall also include a retired The UPS Store Franchisee that has chosen to continue membership in the association by maintaining payment of dues. Membership by retired The UPS Store owner members will include the right to vote on Association matters.

Section 2. Termination of Membership
Membership shall be automatically terminated:
When a member ceases to own a The UPS Store franchise, unless continued membership is requested as allowed in section 2.
(a) For non-payment of dues and/or initiation fees.
(b) Upon voluntary resignation in writing.

Section 3. Dues
(a) Each active member of this association shall pay dues and/or initiation fees as established by majority consensus of the Franchise Owners Association Board of Directors. Upon acceptance, a member shall provide a credit card number to be kept on file for automatic payment of dues. The billing period for dues shall be the calendar year January through December. Annual dues shall be paid by each The UPS Store that agrees to join the National TUPSSO Franchise Owners Association
(b) Current dues shall be $250 per year annually. Dues will be billed once per year on or about January 15th.
(c) Multiple store owners shall:

  1. Receive a $100 discount for each additional store’s dues after the first store.

  2. Have dues waived for each store after one through five.

(d) Members shall have the option to spread their total dues owed with twelve equal payments January through December. Payments with the current dues structure is $25 per month for the first store. Payment for each of stores two through five is $15 per month. Dues are waived for each store after one through five.
(e) New members that join before June 1st will have the option to:

  1. Pay the entire dues amount owed at the time membership is approved or,

  2. Have the total dues amount owed spread over the remaining month left in the calendar year.

  3. Dues for this option shall be $25 per month spread over 12 months for the first store and $15 per month for each store two through five spread over 12 months.

(f) New members that join after June 1st will have the option to

  1. Pay the entire dues amount owed at the time membership is approved with their membership extended through the end of the next calendar year.

  2. Have the total dues amount owned spread over the next calendar year January through December.

  3. Dues for this option shall be $25 per month spread over 12 months for the first store and $15 per month for each store two through five spread over 12 months.

(g) Members Choice

  1. Members joining before June 1st shall be eligible for a Members Choice Program selection in the current calendar year.

  2. Members joining after June 1st shall be eligible for a Members Choice Selection in the following calendar year.

Board of Directors
Dues for Members serving on the Executive Board of Directors and Board Members at Large shall have their dues waived for one store for the year they are in position.

Section 4. Removal
The Franchise Owners Association is authorized to expel from membership any member of the Association for good cause. "Good cause", as used in this section shall include:
(a) Any conduct which brings the Association into public dispute or violates the purposes for which this Association was formed.
(b) Any willful failure or refusal to abide by the Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, or Rules of the Franchise Owners Association.

The National TUPSSO FOA may, upon a simple majority vote of those present and voting at a regular board meeting, remove such member from the Franchise Owners Association; provided however, that prior to any action to remove a member, he/she must be given at least fifteen days’ notice by email of the proposed action including the basis thereof; he/she must be given an opportunity to appear before the Franchise Owners Association to defend themselves; he/she must be given an opportunity to present witnesses to the Association on behalf of their defense; he/she must be given an opportunity to examine any complaining witness; and he/she must be permitted to have counsel of their choice attend and represent them before the Association Board of Directors.


Section 1. Structure and Organization

The Executive Board
The Executive Board of Directors shall consist of core positions of President, National Vice President, Eight Regional Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing Director, Vendor Relations Director, Vendor Program Director, Corporate Plus Account Director, Special Projects Director, Technology Manager, “The Voice” Editor, Learning Academy Director, Communications Director, Benefit Program Director, Association Liaison, At-Large East, At-Large Central and At-Large West.

Section 2. Powers
Subject to the limitations of these By-laws, all business conducted within the FOA Board of Directors shall be conducted using a shared leadership approach where no one member has more authority than any other member.

Section 3. Regular Meetings
The FOA Executive Board of Directors shall hold meetings during the calendar year at a place and time designated by its members. The Board of Directors shall conduct business of the Association as is necessary and schedule meetings for the Franchise Owners Association.

“The Source”, Executive Board Journal forum, The Association’s communication network shall be used to conduct much of the day to day communication and work of the board of directors to include: agenda discussions, regular board member communications, updates, votes by survey, notices and announcements, etc.

Section 4. Special Meetings
A special meeting may be called by a simple majority of the Board of Directors for the sole purpose of the discussion of new business. Any decisions affecting all members shall be brought before the full Franchise Owners Association for approval either by teleconference or the Executive Board Journal forum.

Section 5. The President
The FOA President, Executive Director, or any executive board member shall facilitate all national general membership meetings.

Section 6. Quorum
The presence in person of a simple majority of the total membership at an Association meeting, or a simple majority of the Board of Directors at a Board of Directors meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. A quorum shall also include a discussion on “The Source”, Executive Board Journal of a simple majority of the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Notice
Notice of a regular or special meeting of the membership or Board of Directors shall be emailed to each executive board member at his/her email address as shown on the Association’s records within ample time of such meeting or the notice may be given on “The Source”, Executive Board Journal.


Section 1. Number, Term and Election
The Executive Board of Directors shall be the President, National Vice President, Eight Regional Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, At Large East, At Large Central, At Large West, each of which shall be elected for a term of one year commencing at the close of the calendar year. These positions shall be elected by the membership. The Executive Board shall also include the Directors of Marketing, Vendor Relations, Vendor Programs, Corporate Plus Accounts, Membership and Special Projects each of which shall be voluntary for a term of one year commencing at the close of the calendar year. Technology Manager, “The Voice” Editor, Learning Academy Director, Communications Director, Benefits Program Director, Association Liaison and Past Presidents shall be voluntary members of the Executive Board of Directors. All chapter directors shall provide input and support for the executive board.

Board member positions shall be filled by current members in good standing or store operators operating member stores for absentee owners.

Section 2. Vacancies and Removal
A vacancy in any Board of Directors Position because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Board until the next schedule Association elections. A Director of the Board may be removed from his/her position upon the vote of majority of the Executive Board, provided that at least fifteen days before the meeting of the Executive Board, email notice is given to Executive Board members of the intended action of removal. The panel member intended for removal shall be allowed to address the Executive Board at said meeting in his defense before a vote is taken.

Section 3. President
The President shall act on behalf of the Franchise Owners Association to promote shared leadership, and the goals and objectives of the Association. He/she shall facilitate meetings, coordinate the business of the Board of Directors, function as a liaison with other franchise owner organizations and encourage the development of programs and services to benefit the membership through group involvement (i.e. franchise enhancement, special events, insurance benefits, etc.). The President shall assist The Association Liaison communicating with UPS/MBE Management including Area Franchise Management. The President shall author an article for each edition of The Voice – “Presidents Message”. The President shall author a minimum of two TechoCasts for The Association per year.

Section 4. National Vice President
The National Vice President shall assist The Association President acting on behalf of the Franchise Owners Association to promote shared leadership, and the goals and objectives of the Association. He/she shall facilitate meetings, help coordinate the business of the Board of Directors, and encourage the development of programs and services to benefit the membership through group involvement (i.e. franchise enhancement programs, special events, insurance benefits, etc.). The National Vice President shall assist The Association Liaison communicating with UPS/MBE Management including Area Franchise Management. The National Vice President shall author an article for each edition of The Voice – “National Vice President Speaks” The National Vice President shall author a minimum of two TechnoCasts for The Association per year. The National Vice President shall be the individual that will fill the position of President should the current president no longer hold the position.

Section 5. Regional Vice Presidents
The Regional Vice Presidents shall:
(a) The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President as directed in Section 3.
(b) Shall help assist administrate the Member Benefits / Services program for their region
(c) Shall help assist administrate the Members Choice Benefit of the Members Benefits /Services Program.
(d) Shall help facilitate local general membership meetings in their region.
(e) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(f) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice – Vice Presidents Perspective, each year.
(g) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ TechnoCast

Section 6. The Secretary
The Secretary shall:
(a) Establish and maintain appropriate Association records and files.
(b) Work with the Treasurer to establish and maintain a register of all Association members.
(c) Keep a Recap of Minutes of the proceedings of all Executive Board meetings and “The Source” Executive Board Journal.
(d) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(e) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(f) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 7. The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
(a) Work with The Association’s accountant to Administer/oversee all accounting functions of the Association
(b) Administer/oversee the financial aspects of all benefit programs (Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Workers compensation, Business Insurance)
(c) Administer/oversee all bank accounts in conjunction with The Association’s Accountant. Checks shall be signed by the President and/or Treasurer and/or The Association’s accountant.
(d) Review all Association expenditures.
(e) Assist the secretary to provide a membership list that reflects members in good standing,
(f) Make regular reports to the Association at executive board meetings.
(g) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(h) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(i) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 8. The Marketing Director
The Marketing Director shall:
(a) Work to develop new and existing programs to maximize each member's profitability while enhancing the future value of TUPSS franchise.
(b) Work on behalf of the Association to develop marketing solutions, improvements, and recommendations to UPS/MBE.
(c) Make regular reports to the Association at general membership meetings and through “The Voice”
(d) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(e) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(f) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 9. Vendor Relations Director
The Vendor Relations Director Shall:
(a) Assist with all Vendor Contacts
(b) Work on behalf of the Association to develop solutions, improvements, and recommendations to UPS/MBE assisting with communications with UPS/MBE concerning all Vendor Relation Issues
(c) Shall notify vendors that wish to address the membership at one of the regular meetings of the procedure and costs for attendance at the meeting. Current Vendor fees to address the membership shall be established by the Executive Board. These fees shall be reviewed by the board annually.
(d) Make reports to the Association at general membership meetings and through “The Voice”
(e) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(f) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(g) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 10. Corporate Plus Account Director
The Corporate Plus Account Director Shall:
(a) Assist with all Vendor Contacts
(b) Work on behalf of the Association to develop national Corporate Plus Accounts that will promote national Corporate Plus Accounts employees/agents to use products and services provided by participating member stores.
(c) Make reports to the Association at general membership meetings and through “The Voice”
(d) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(e) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(f) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 11. Special Projects Director
The Special Projects Director Shall:
(a) Facilitate all meetings and coordinate the business of Special Projects addressing specific topics approved and assigned by the Association Board of Directors that will enhance store profitability
(b) Assist with the coordination of development of The Association’s reception at The UPS Store Convention.
(c) Make regular reports to the Association at general meetings and through “The Voice”
(d) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(e) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(f) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 12. Vendor Program Director
The Vendor Program Director Shall:
(a) Assist the Vendor Relations Director with all Vendor Communications
(b) Work with Association Vendor Select Partners with all communication opportunities to the membership.
(c) Work with Association Vendor Select Participants about Association Advertising opportunities the Vendor Select Program.
(d) Work with the Benefits Director to help administer the Vendor Select Participation in the Members Choice Program.
(e) Make reports to the Association at general membership meetings and through “The Voice”
(f) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(g) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(h) Shall be responsible for and work with the editor of The Voice for production of Marketplace Plus
(i) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

“Marketplace Plus” Editor shall:
(a) Organize and maintain, “Marketplace Plus”
(b) provide content and distribution assistance,
(c) solicit franchisees to help with Vendor Select support with the publication,
(d) be responsible for the content, structure and approval for all facets of the publication.
(e) Communicate with the Vendor Relations Director, Corporate Plus Account Director, and Association Treasurer to coordinate Vendor Select Participant payment collection.

Section 13. Technology Manager
The Technology Manager shall:
(a) Assist with organization and maintenance of National TUPSS FOA Websites, “The Source”.
(b) Assist with additions, deletions, and/or changes to the content of the website.
(c) Assist with determine placement of content within the website.
(d) Shall act as liaison with the website developer with additions and changes to the site structure.
(e) Shall work with “The Voice” Editor with placement of the e News Magazine on the website along with distribution of the newsletter to the email addresses provided.
(f) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(g) Assist with content for the website, including updates, meeting information, new content provided by board members or other franchisees. These updates include but are not limited to Home Page, Calendar of Events, Meeting Minutes, Time Sensitive Materials, etc.
(h) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(i) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 14. “The Voice” Editor
“The Voice” Editor shall:
(a) Organize and maintain, “The Voice”
(b) Provide content and distribution assistance,
(c) Solicit franchisees to help write articles for the eNews Magazine,
(d) Be responsible for the content, structure and approval for all facets of the news magazine.
(e) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(f) Assist with all aspects of production of “Marketplace Plus”
(g) Author an article for each edition of The Voice – “Editor’s Desk”
(h) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 15. Learning Academy - Learning Academy Director
The Learning Academy shall provide education and training as a benefit to Association members through:
(a) The Association's Techno System; Recorded Video Tutorials, narrated program videos.
(b) Techno Clinics - live on-line webinars presenting Association programs from 30 to 90 minutes.
(c) Techno Series - live on-line courses presenting Association programs for 60 to 90 minutes for 3-6 weeks.
(d) Techno One to One – Individual one on one presentations between presenters and Association members.
(e) Techno Guides – quick reference guides that support Association programs.
(f) Techno Conferences – general membership meetings streamed from national to local general membership meetings.
(g) Techno Casts – Podcasts presented by Association members IE: interviews, marketing information, business articles, industry news, etc. This will be coordinated between the Learning Academy Director and The Communications Director.

The Learning Academy Director shall:
(a) Schedule all Techno System Presentations
(b) Coordinate the design, presentation, and volunteer presenters for the Techno System.
(c) Schedule for all Techno System on line webinars.
(d) Coordinate the recording of Techno System presentations as Video Tutorials.
(e) Upload all Techno System Tutorials as part of the Association’s Cloud Service on the Association’s website working with the website programmer
(f) Work with the Communication Director assisting with the production of The Association TechnoCasts.
(g) Communicate new additions on the website on The Associations Communication Network.
(h) Attend and contribute to Executive Board meetings and agendas.
(i) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(j) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Learning Academy Techno System Presenters
(a) Techno Clinic presenters shall be reimbursed $75 per session.
(b) Techno Series presenters shall be reimbursed $375 per 6-week series.
(c) Techno Series presenters shall be reimbursed $250 per 4-week series.
(d) Techno Tutorial recorders shall be reimbursed $50 per non-interactive Techno Tutorial
(e) Techno Guide, step by step reference supporting the Techno System, authors shall be reimbursed $50 per stand-alone quick reference guide.

Section 16. Communications Director
The Communication Director shall:
(a) Oversee the Association’s Calendar of Events,
(b) Coordinate communications for association special events, meetings, and social events.
(c) Coordinate communications for membership information concerning meetings and record RSVPs.
(d) Oversee the Association TechnoCast production and facilitation.
(e) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(f) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(g) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast

Section 17. Benefit Program Director
The Benefit Program Director Shall
(a) Administer all Member Benefit programs developed by the Association
(b) Oversee the Member Benefits / Services program working with the Vice Presidents in their regions
(c) Directly administrate the Members Choice Benefit of the Members Benefits /Services Program
(d) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(e) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year
(f) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’s TechnoCast

Section 18. Association Liaison
The Association Liaison Shall
(a) Act as the communication person between the Association and other business entities; IE. RSA, AMPC
(b) Represent the viewpoint of the Association as well as the Executive Board with all communications with other business organizations
(c) Represent the Association with all activities of the national Coalition of Franchise Owners Association.
(d) Assist with all communication by and between The Association and TUPSS Inc.
(e) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(f) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(g) Author a minimum of two pod cast for The Association’s TechnoCast

Section 19. Membership Liaison
The Association Membership Director shall
(a) Administer all information concerning membership in the Association
(b) Provide information to prospective members
(c) Assist the Treasurer and Accountant in the collection of annual dues.
(d) Update and author the Association’s Brochure
(e) Develop initiatives to grow Association membership
(f) Process applications providing information to new members for access to websites and the communication network.
(g) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(h) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(i) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ TechnoCast

Section 20. Board Members at Large
The Board Members at Large (East, Central, West) shall
(a) Assist the President, National Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents with their association responsibilities.
(b) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(c) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(d) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ TechnoCast

Section 21. Past Presidents
The Association Past Presidents shall
(a) Assist the President, National Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents with their association responsibilities.
(b) Attend and contribute to board meetings and agenda
(c) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(d) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast
(e) Remain on the board of directors while they are in good standing and choose to assist in the growth and development of The Association

Section 22. Chapter Directors
The Chapter Directors Shall:
(a) Provide input and guidance on all issues addressed by the Executive Board,
(b) Assist with meeting planning, site arrangements, facilitation,
(c) Generate a written recap for each meeting for distribution in their area,
(d) Coordinate all Chapter communications and activities.
(e) Author a minimum of one article for “The Voice” for each year.
(f) Act as liaison with vendor select participants in their chapter area
(g) Directors shall be reimbursed $100 for each meeting they facilitate.
(h) Contact other store owners to help grow chapter membership

Section 23. Committee Agenda or Projects
Agenda topics or projects shall be reviewed by the board to insure they meet the association mission statement and principals. These topics or projects shall be assigned by the board of directors to the appropriate committee for work. The committees shall work on the assigned topic or project and report back to the Board of Directors with the committee findings. The board of directors will determine further action. Committee Chairs and Project directors may be reimbursed by The Association as determined by The Executive Board.

Section 24. Limitation of Power
No Board of Directors member or Association Member shall have the power to enter into any contract, agreement, and memorandum of understanding or otherwise bind the Association in any way without the previous authorization of the Franchise Owners Association Executive Board at a regular Executive Board Association meeting and documented in the meeting minutes.



Section 1. The Executive Director
The Executive Director shall be responsible for the day to day operations and facilitation of business of The National TUPSSO Franchise Owners Association including those responsibilities outline in Article VI, Section 4. Promoting the principles of The Association as well as The Association Mission Statement.

Section 2. Qualifications
The Executive Director Candidate must be a current or past The UPS Store owner.

Section 3. Executive Director Selection
Candidates will be interview by the Executive Board of Directors and will be chosen by simple majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Executive Director Responsibilities
The Executive Director shall:
(a) Facilitate Executive Board Meetings in place of the President or Vice Presidents as needed.
(b) Twice a year facilitate local general membership chapter meetings for area chapters where meetings are currently not taking place.
(c) Temporarily assume the responsibilities of any vacant Executive Board Position until the position can be filled by election or volunteer.
(d) Author a minimum of two articles for The Voice each year.
(e) Author a minimum of two pod casts for The Association’ Techno Cast
(f) Provide each Executive Board position with day-to-day operational support focusing on:

President –
Promoting shared leadership and the goals and objectives of the Association. Facilitate meetings, coordinate the business of the Board of Directors and The Association.

National Vice President –
Assisting the National Vice President provide support for The Association President acting on behalf of the Franchise Owners Association to promote shared leadership, and the goals and objectives of the Association.

Regional Vice Presidents –
Regional Assistance for the Regional Vice Presidents acting on behalf of the Franchise Owners Association to promote shared leadership, and the goals and objectives of the Association.

Secretary –
Providing support for maintaining appropriate Association records and files. Assisting with the recap of Minutes of the proceedings of all Executive Board meetings and “The Source” Executive Board Journal.

Treasurer –
Assisting the The Association’s accountant to Administer/oversee all accounting functions of the Association.
Administering/overseeing the financial aspects of all benefit programs (Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Workers compensation, Business Insurance). Administering/overseeing all bank accounts in conjunction with The Association’s Accountant. The review all Association expenditures.

Association Liaison –
Assisting with interaction with other business organizations, franchise owner’s organizations, etc. Support and assistance with communication TUPSSI Inc., UPS Management including Area Franchise Management. Attending national legislative and franchise owner organization meetings.

Benefit Program Director –
The development of programs and services to benefit the membership through group involvement (i.e. franchise enhancement programs, special events, insurance benefits, etc.).

Vendor Relations Director –
Assisting with all Vendor Contacts. The development of solutions, improvements, and recommendations to TUPSSI Inc., UPS assisting with communications with TUPSSI Inc., UPS concerning all Vendor Relation Issues. Notifying vendors that wish to address the membership at one of the regular meetings of the procedure and costs for attendance at the meeting.

Corporate Plus Account Director –
Assisting with all Vendor Contacts. The development of national Corporate Plus Accounts that will promote national Corporate Plus Accounts employees/agents to use products and services provided by participating member stores.

Vendor Program Director –
Assisting the Vendor Relations Director with all Vendor Communications. Working with Association Vendor Select Participants with all communication opportunities to the membership. Working with Association Vendor Select Participants about Association Advertising opportunities the Vendor Select Program. Working with the Benefits Director to help administer the Vendor Select Participation in the Members Choice Program. Assisting with the production of Marketplace Plus

Technology Director –
Assisting with organization and maintenance of National TUPSS FOA Websites and “The Source”. Assisting with additions, deletions, and/or changes to the content of the websites. Assisting with determine placement of content within the websites. Acting as a liaison with the website developer with additions and changes to the site structure. Assisting with content for the website, including updates, meeting information, new content provided by board members or other franchisees. Providing access approval to new and existing members to Association websites and “The Source”.

Marketing Director –
The development of new and existing programs to maximize each member's profitability while enhancing the future value of TUPSS franchise. The development of marketing solutions, improvements, and recommendations to TUPSSI Inc., UPS.

Learning Academy Director –
Assisting the Learning Academy Director provide education and training as a benefit to Association members through The Associations Techno System; Recorded Video Tutorials, narrated program videos. Scheduling all Techno System Presentations. Coordinating the design, presentation, and volunteer presenters for the Techno System. Coordinating the recording of Techno System presentations as Video Tutorials. Uploading all Techno System Tutorials as part of the Association’s Cloud Service on the Association’s website working with the website programmer. Communicating new additions on The Association’s websites on The Associations Communication Network.

Communications Director –
Working with the Communication Director assisting with the production of The Association TechnoCasts. Overseeing The Association’s Calendar of Events, Coordinating communications for association special events, meetings, and social events. Coordinating membership information concerning meetings and record RSVPs. Overseeing The Association TechnoCast production and facilitation.

Editor of “The Voice” –
Assisting “The Voice” Editor organize and maintain, “The Voice”. Providing content and distribution assistance, soliciting franchisees to help write articles for the eNews Magazine, content, structure and approval for all facets of the news magazine. Assisting with all aspects of production of “Marketplace Plus”

Special Projects Director –
Assisting the Special Projects Director facilitate all meetings and coordinate the business of Special Projects addressing specific topics approved and assigned by the Association Board of Directors that will enhance store profitability. Assisting development of The Association’s reception at The UPS Store Convention.

Membership Director –
Administering all information concerning membership in The Association. Providing information to prospective members. Updating and authoring The Association’s Brochure. Developing initiatives to grow The Association membership. Processing applications providing information to new members for access to websites and the communication network.

At Large West –
Assisting the President, National Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents with their association responsibilities.

At Large Central –
Assisting the President, National Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents with their association responsibilities.

At Large East –
Assisting the President, National Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents with their association responsibilities.

Section 5. Compensation
The Executive Director shall be compensated for work done as Executive Director for The Association as determined by the Executive Board. Executive Director compensation may be amended by a majority vote with a thirty-day notice to the current Executive Director.

Section 6. Term
The Executive Director shall be hired for a two-year term.

Section 7. Removal
The Executive Director may be removed from his/her position upon a vote of two-thirds majority of the Executive Board, provided that at least fifteen days before the meeting of the Executive Board, email notice is given to the Executive Director of the intended action of removal. The Executive Director shall be allowed to address the Executive Board at said meeting in his defense before a vote is taken.


Section 1. Voting
Each Active Member shall be entitled to one vote per store for matters voted on by the general membership. All actions by the membership shall be by simple majority vote of those responding via email ballot.

Section 2. Election Nominations
Notification for nominations for elected positions shall go out in the month of December for the following calendar year via email. Any Active Member may nominate another member of the Association for an elected position. Nominees shall be solicited for the following positions; President, National Vice-President, Regional Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and At Large East, West, and Central. Once nominations are complete each nominee will be contacted to confirm acceptance of the nomination.

Section 3. Executive Board Volunteer Positions
Volunteers will also be solicited for the Executive Board of Director voluntary positions during the month of December for the following calendar year via email. These positions to include the Benefits Director; Directors of Marketing; Vendor Relations; Vendor Programs; Corporate Plus Accounts; Special Projects; Technology; Learning Academy; Communications, Membership; “The Voice” Editor and Past Presidents. Should there be more than one volunteer for any of the voluntary Executive Board Director position a simple majority vote of the membership will be taken.

Section 4. Election Procedure
Ballots with confirmed nominees will go out to all via email to all Active Members on or about January 10th. Ballots must be returned by January 25th to be counted. Each member may enter one vote or write in one candidate for the Executive Board Positions. Election results shall be announced to the general membership on or around the end of January.


The Association shall purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of all members for indemnification against any liability incurred as a member of the Board of Directors.


These By-laws may be altered, amended or appealed, or new By-laws may be adopted by a majority vote of the Association at a special meeting.


All active members shall treat any information shared with /between Association members as confidential. All information deemed confidential shall not be disseminated to non-members. All requests for information shall go through the Association Secretary.


Meetings of the Board of Directors and General Association members shall be conducted using an informal meeting structure, facilitated by a member of the Association.


The National TUPSSO Franchise Owners Association is made up of franchisees of The UPS Stores working together to help each other cut costs, increase sales, and make more money.


Ask the Association

Drop us a line if you have any questions for us.

Ask away!


Now get the most up-to-date information on the go. The NTUPSSO FOA App is now live and available on your favorite App store. Just search for NTUPSSOFOA. The Association’s App will provide quick access to Association information at your finger tips on your mobile phone or tablet. This will include links to current Association websites; forums; podcasts; Profit Programs; tools and forms; webinars and clinics; eNews Magazine; Vendor Select information; Association Information; real time alerts for hot news; as well as new links to the latest Association initiatives. Both members and non-members will be able to access information that will help them increase their sales, be more productive, cut their costs, be more informed, be more profitable.

Download Program Information


The National TUPSSO Franchise Owners Association is pleased to offer this weekly audio publication of information about our industry, The UPS Store Franchise, and The Association with information to educate, entertain, inform and update members of The Association as part of The Learning Academy. There will be presentations to cut costs, increase sales, and make more money; interviews with vendors, industry leaders, TUPSSI Inc Management, as well as the best in the business, YOU — Association members.

Access the The Association's newest TechnoCast each Thursday.

You can also read the Techno Guide to set up automatic access to TechnoCast or subscribe to TechnoCast via RSS.

Featured Vendors

Browse the Vendor Directory.


This Twitter feed is exclusive to members of the National TUPSSO Franchise Owners Association. Tweets by members should support the Association principles to help all members cut costs, increase sales, make more money. This is not an editorial forum. Please let us know about meeting notices, special deals, general announcements, Learning Academy Clinics dates, "The Voice" Reminders, etc. Discussion topics should be posted on the Association's eNetwork or eCloud Forums.

Events Calendar